When someone in your family dies, it is a hard blow for everyone, particularly when there are children involved. Aside from having to handle the emotional repercussions, there are often the logistical details to work out like taking legal action or arranging memorial services. This can be extremely challenging to deal with organizational tasks such as these when you’re under emotional distress.
Although you may be completely overwhelmed during the process and feel like there’s no end in sight, it’s important to remain calm and positive. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and with time your heals can wound.
If your family has recently experienced a death, here are some of the best tips for seeing it through to the other side.
Have a Conversation
Putting everything on the table as a family helps to face your feeling head-on. When you try to beat around the bush or avoid talking about the things that need to be talked about, you’re only creating potential emotional distress further down the road. Be open with your kids about where your loved one went and be firm about the fact that they’re not coming back.
Teaching them the finality of death is difficult. However, it’s necessary for their self-development to understand that death is final. It isn’t easy, and it isn’t fun, but it’s part of life. Sheltering them from the reality of it only does them a disservice.
Additionally, if you suspect that the death of your dear one was due to neglect in the nursing home or misdiagnosis, then you can converse among yourselves to take legal action. Consider approaching a reputable medical malpractice lawyer who can represent you in the court by collecting sufficient evidence to seek justice. As a result, a lawsuit can be filed against the responsible medical authorities as well as a fair settlement can be claimed.
Keep Their Memory Alive
Even though it may be difficult to be faced with the memory of the person you lost, and the thought of them initially evokes pain rather than positive memories, it’s essential to keep their memory present.
Talk about them and keep photos of them around the home. You can also dedicate a digital obituary (check for instance Singapore Obituary to know what it entails) in their name, as a tribute. This can keep them close to you, which can be comforting.
Speaking of keeping them close, many people nowadays implement their ideas and crafts to make memorabilia of their loved ones. For one, there are agencies that make cushions and blankets out of the deceased’s clothing. This helps retain their smell, enabling their loved ones to find comfort during the times when they feel low.
Likewise, there are those companies that convert ashes to jewels, immortalizing them in the form of a diamond. These could be converted into beautiful pieces of jewellery, often coming in different colors and cuts. By finding ways to keep them around, in the form of photos, conversations, or others, you’ll find that you heal much faster and healthier. Suppressing your pain and pretending that they never existed, is not the right path.
Consider Therapy
Seeing a therapist doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you. Therapy is an opportunity to talk to a professional who can help you identify why you’re feeling the way that you are and change your patterns. It is important for you to consider seeing a professional therapist as a family to resolve the issues you may have previously had, or feel at the moment.
If you or your children are having a particularly difficult time accepting the death of a loved one, then a therapist will guide you through the process of healing.
Be Patient With Everyone’s Process
Not everyone in the family is going to process pain the same way. Some of you may cry more than others while some of you may move on fairly quickly.
Try to be supportive of each other’s grieving even though it may differ from one another’s.