As if raising children was not already enough of a challenge, raising difficult children can be even more challenging without the proper knowledge. It is important to have the ability to differentiate between a child in a developmental stage and a child who is experiencing real behavioral problems.
It is careless parenting to depend on the children’s school or social workers to pinpoint and treat these issues. Be a proactive parent, and read up on the child’s disruptive behavioral patterns before turning to discipline or medication.
A temper tantrum from a 2-year-old does not mean that that child is going to have behavioral problems. Tantrums are age appropriate behavior for toddlers. Take a moment to read over this short synopsis of a few common behavioral disorder in children and the signs and symptoms that commonly appear.
Behavioral and emotional struggles in children
Before running off to the psychologist, make sure the child is not simply dealing with a passing emotional struggle. It is far more likely that this is the case, and parents should be empathetic and understanding.
A compassionate parent will find a much more docile child in this situation. When kids are upset, they tend to lash out due to a lack of constructive coping mechanisms. It is crucial to attempt communication with the child as a first step in dealing with negative behavioral patterns.
Top diagnosis for children with behavioral struggles
The top most diagnosed behavioral disorder in children today is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is also one of the most overdiagnosed disorders ever. The diagnosis means that the child cannot properly focus on one thing at a time due to an overactive mind and body.
Second to ADHD, there are Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and the list continues. The most important thing to understand is that there are no “bad” children. There is always a reason why a kid acts outside of the social norms. Labeling a child bad does not solve anything. So, rather than taking that approach, parents should check if their kid has hyperactivity or inattention issues. If they do, it might be beneficial to seek a full-length evaluation (you can visit to know more about ADHD evaluations) from a certified ADHD expert. Taking this route can ensure your child receives the ideal diagnosis and treatment for their unique needs.
Underlying contributors to behavioral disorders
There are a million and one different reasons a child may face a behavioral disorder in their lives. To name just a few biological factors: Physical illness, malnutrition, brain damage, and heredity.
A few of the more situational factors may include: divorce or some other negative family event (like death), coercion from parents, unhealthy discipline from guardians, and a negative attitude towards education or schooling.
Anxiety and depression in children
Just because a child is only seven years old does not mean they are not capable of dealing with anxiety and depression. Children as young as 5 years old have been documented having suicidal ideations. It is critical that parents pay attention to the emotional well-being of their children.